onsdag den 26. september 2007


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Klik for at starte

Klik for at starte

Rating: 8,45 points
Stemmer i alt: 10.380

søndag den 16. september 2007

lørdag den 8. september 2007

mandag den 3. september 2007

søndag den 2. september 2007





need for speed morst wanter

et the Need for Speed Most Wanted Online Strategy Guide

Need for Speed Most Wanted Unlockable Burger King Challenge
Input UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT on the Press Start screen.

Need for Speed Most Wanted Unlock Ford GT Car
Input LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN on the Press Start screen.

Need for Speed Most Wanted Unlockable Cars
Unlockable Cars
Ashton Martin DB9Beat #7, Kaze
Audi A3 3.2 QuattroBeat #15, Sonny
Audi A4 3.2 FSI QuattroBeat #14, Taz
Audi TT 3.2 QuattroBeat #15, Sonny
BMW M3 GTRBeat #1, Razor
Cadillac CTSBeat #12, Izzy
Chevrolet C6.RComplete the game 100%
Chevrolet Cobalt SSAvailable from start
Dodge Viper SRT 10Beat #6, Ming
Fiat PuntoAvailable from start
Ford GTBeat #4, JV
Ford Mustang GTBeat #12, Izzy
Ford GT (Castrol Syntec version)Enter cheat code
Lamborghini GallardoBeat #6, Ming
Lamborghini Murcielago Beat #4, JV
Lexus IS300Available from start
Lotus EliseBeat #8, Jewels
Mazda RX-7Beat #9, Earl
Mazda RX-8Beat #12, Izzy
Mercedes-Benz CLK 500Beat #8, Jewels
Mercedes-Benz SL 500Beat #11, Big Lou
Mercedes-Benz Sl65 AMGComplete Challenge Series #68
Mercedes-Benz SLR McLarenBeat #3, Ronnie
Mitsubishi EclipseBeat #14, Taz
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIIIBeat #11, Big Lou
Pontiac GTOBeat #10, Baron
Porsche 911Carrera SBeat #7, Kaze
Porsche 911 Turbo SBeat #5, Webster
Porsche Carrera GTBeat #3, Ronnie
Porsche Cayman SBeat #10, Baron
Renault Clio V6Beat #13, Vic
Subaru Impreza WRX STI Beat #9, Earl
Toyota SupraBeat #13, Vic
Vauxhall Monaro VXRBeat #10, Baron
Volkswagen Golf GTIAvailable from start

Need for Speed Most Wanted Cheat Junk Engine
Input UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN. (Unverfied)

Need for Speed Most Wanted Unlockable: Castrol Version Of Ford GT
At the title screen, enter LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN.

Need for Speed Most Wanted Unlockable: Porsche Cayman
At the title screen, enter L, R, R, R, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN.

Need for Speed Most Wanted Unlockable: Free Upgrades
At the title screen, enter UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN.

Need for Speed Most Wanted Hint: Straight Drivin'
Engaging nitrous oxide shifts the weight of the car and in layman's terms, your car will attempt to straighten out. Combined with speedbreaker, it is possible to take on almost any turn without an appreciable loss of speed.

Need for Speed Most Wanted Hint: Bounty Increase
You can raise your bounty as much as you want and complete that part of your milestones. First get in a pursuit and then find a ledge (ex. on top of the buses at the bus station) go as closes to the end of the buses away from the up ramp as possible without falling off and without a cop following you up the ramp. Then sit there and watch the cops go crazy. It's better if your heat is 2 or up as the lower level cops will sometimes lose sight of you and you'll cool off. At higher levels though the police will hover below you ramming into each other and everything else. This destroys their vehicles which in turn raises you bounty and length of your pursuit. You can sit there as long as you like but check behind you periodically just to make sure one of them hasn't gotten smart enough to come up the ramp. The highest I've gotten off one pursuit is almost 6 million bounty.

Need for Speed Most Wanted Easter Egg: Special Marker
Input UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN on the Press Start screen.




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Astronomy Picture of the Day

Astronomy Picture of the Day

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2007 September 2

gta london til pc

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) - London (pc)

Indtast under spillet:

6661970 -- Uendelige liv.

tourettes -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

ohmatron -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

pieandmash -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

asawindow -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

notourettes -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

flashmotor -- Alle baner og Uendelige liv.

super well -- Alle baner og Uendelige liv.

travelcard -- Alle baner og Uendelige liv.

iamfilth -- Uendelige liv.

tithead -- Uendelige liv.

deathtoall -- Uendelige liv, tryk * for våben.

iamgod -- 10x Multiplier uendelige liv, tryk * får våben.

averyrichman -- 999999999 points.

uaintnuffin -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

psychadelic -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

silence -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

driveby -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

herc -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

rommel -- Debug Mode.

gta london

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) - London (pc)

Indtast under spillet:

6661970 -- Uendelige liv.

tourettes -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

ohmatron -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

pieandmash -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

asawindow -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

notourettes -- Uendelige liv, og tryk * for alle våben.

flashmotor -- Alle baner og Uendelige liv.

super well -- Alle baner og Uendelige liv.

travelcard -- Alle baner og Uendelige liv.

iamfilth -- Uendelige liv.

tithead -- Uendelige liv.

deathtoall -- Uendelige liv, tryk * for våben.

iamgod -- 10x Multiplier uendelige liv, tryk * får våben.

averyrichman -- 999999999 points.

uaintnuffin -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

psychadelic -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

silence -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

driveby -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

herc -- 999999999 points, alle våben, hvis du trykker på * og alle ting.

rommel -- Debug Mode.

Snydekoder til gta på pc

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) (pc)

Drive the train:
Press [Ctrl] + [Enter] after entering the train.

Go to a train station and hop on a train. While onboard, press [Esc] [Ctrl] [Esc]. You can control the train with the cursor keys.

To enter cheat mode:
Enter the character selection screen. Then press [Delete], enter one of the following codes and press [Enter].

itsgallus - All levels,cities
nineinarow - All levels,cities
super well - All levels,cities
iamthelaw - No police
stevesmates - No police
itcouldbeyou - 999,999,999 points
suckmyrocket - All weapons, armor, "Get Out Of Jail Free" card
itstantrum - Unlimited Lives
6031769 - Unlimited Lives
hatemachine - Raise point values
heartofgold - View FMV sequences
buckfast - Press [Keypad Asterisk] for all weapons
callmenigel - Press [Keypad Asterisk] for all weapons
% machine - 10x multiplier
iamgarypenn - Enable extra offensive language
iamnotgarypenn - Disable extra offensive language

Debug mode:
Enter the character selection screen. Then press [Delete], type porkcharsui and press [Enter]. Press one of the following keys to activate the corresponding debug function.

D - Screen capture in .TGA format1
K - Zoom out
] - Alternate zoom out
L - Zoom in
[ - Alternate zoom in
[Keypad 8] - Pan camera up
[Keypad 2] - Pan camera down
[Keypad 6] - Pan camera right
[Keypad 4] - Pan camera left
[Home] - Center camera view
[Numpad Plus] - Pause and advance single frame
[Keypad Asterisk] - All weapons with full ammo
C - Current status and coordinates
R - Change screen mode
[F12] - Restart level

Go under fences:
Park a HGV next to a fence. Face the fence and press [Space] to crawl under the bus and then under the fence. Note: You can not get back out unless there is a opening or an HGV to use the same trick on.

Go underground:
Go to the first train station after the park and get in the train. Keep going until you reach the part of the track where it goes underground. Stop the train and you should be able to get out. Then, quickly go to the back of the train and wait until it moves off. You may now walk underground. Note: You can only get back on top by finding the train track exit and following it to the station.

Go under walls:
Get a type of vehicle that you can go under (for example, a limo or fire truck). Place it so either the rear or the front of the vehicle is parallel with the wall that you want to go under. Go to the side that is not touching the wall and go under the vehicle. When you reach the side of the vehicle that is touching the wall, your character will shake a bit before moving under the wall. Note: Make sure there is either an exit or another vehicle you can go under on the other side of the wall or you will not be able to get back.

Walk on water:
Park a TV van in front of water, and position it so that the door is half on the water and half on the land. Get out and if it is positioned correctly, you will fall and land on your feet in the water. Do not go out too far your you will fall into the water.

Fix damage in first level:
Enable the "Current status and coordinates" code in level one. Use the jump at the start of the level if your car is over 50 damage to return it to 50.

More money:
Steal a taxi cab and stop at a sidewalk. Wait for someone to call a taxi and take them to their destination to receive money. Repeat this to receive your desired pay from this job.

When the vehicle is placed for sale and you have got your money, shoot the car to blow it up.

Go on top of trees:
Go to the red bridge in Vice City. Locate the ledge on the left-hand side, with a tree below. Get a car and drive it off the edge to land on the tree. When you hit the tree, press Brake to stop. If you can land with the door to the side towards the rest of the tree you can walk on it. Additionally, you can place a limo between the bridge and the tree and hop over it using [Space] to get on top of the tree on foot. Note: There is a tank near there that you can reach over the water. Do not get fooled by the color of the water - it is actually very shallow water that is darkly colored. Just go over to get the tank.

Der er 7326 der har set dette cheat ;)

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04/08-05 [ xbox ] [ efterlysning ] Worms 4 - Mayhem
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24/07-05 [ pc ] [ snyd ] Chicken Invaders
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Skriv en del af titlen på det spil du vil snyde i her.




Til PC

Cheat Effect
YLTEICZ Aggressive Drivers
LLQPFBN Pink traffic
IOWDLAC Black traffic
AFSNMSMW Boats fly
JYSDSOD Max Muscle
ASBHGRB Elvis is Everywhere
BGLUAWML Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher
AEZAKMI Never Wanted
CIKGCGX Beach Party
MROEMZH Gang Members Everywhere
MROEMZH Gangs Control the Streets
AFPHULTL Ninja Theme
BEKKNQV Slut Magnet
BGKGTJH Traffic is Cheap Cars
GUSNHDE Traffic is Fast Cars
JHJOECW Huge Bunny Hop
JUMPJET Spawn Hydra
KGGGDKP Spawn Vortex Hovercraft
JCNRUAD Smash n' Boom
COXEFGU All Cars Have Nitro
BSXSGGC Cars Float Away When Hit
XJVSNAJ Always Midnight
OFVIAC Orange Sky 21:00
MGHXYRM Thunderstorm
CWJXUOC Sandstorm
BAGUVIX Large Health Boost
CVWKXAM Infinite Oxygen
AIYPWZQP Have Parachute
YECGAA Have Jetpack
LJSPQK Six Star Wanted Level
CFVFGMJ Foggy Weather
YSOHNUL Faster Clock
PPGWJHT Faster Gameplay
LIYOAAY Slower Gameplay
AJLOJYQY Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club
BAGOWPG Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT Everyone is armed
AIWPRTON Spawn Rhino
CQZIJMB Spawn Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH Spawn Rancher
PDNEJOH Spawn Racecar
VPJTQWV Spawn Racecar
AQTBCODX Spawn Romero
KRIJEBR Spawn Stretch
UBHYZHQ Spawn Trashmaster
RZHSUEW Spawn Caddy
CPKTNWT Blow Up All Cars
XICWMD Invisible car
PGGOMOY Perfect Handling
ZEIIVG All green lights
LXGIWYL Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools
KJKSZPJ Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools
UZUMYMW Weapon Set 3, Nutter Tools
HESOYAM Health, Armor, $250k
OSRBLHH Increase Wanted Level Two Stars
ASNAEB Clear Wanted Level
AFZLLQLL Sunny Weather
ICIKPYH Very Sunny Weather
ALNSFMZO Overcast Weather
AUIFRVQS Rainy Weather
IAVENJQ Mega Punch
AEDUWNV Never Get Hungry
PRIEBJ Funhouse Theme
MUNASEF Adrenaline Mode
WANRLTW Infinite Ammo, No Reload
OUIQDMW Full Weapon Aiming While Driving
THGLOJ Reduced Traffic
FVTMNBZ Traffic is Country Vehicles
SJMAHPE Recruit Anyone (9mm)
BMTPWHR Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit
ZSOXFSQ Recruit Anyone (Rockets)
OGXSDAG Max Respect
EHIBXQS Max Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF Taxis Have Nitrous, L3 Bunny Hop
NCSGDAG Hitman In All Weapon Stats
OHDUDE Spawn Hunter
AMOMHRER Spawn Tanker Truck
EEGCYXT Spawn Dozer
URKQSRK Spawn Stunt Plane
AGBDLCID Spawn Monster
IFIRSTDOZ Never Wanted
CAINEMVHZC Infinite Health, except for explosions and falls
allcarsgoboom All Cars Explode

Til PlayStation 2

[ned] [x] [højre] [venstre] [højre] [r1] [højre] [ned] [op] [trekant]

Bil kan flyve:
[højre] [R2] [cirkel] [R1] [L2] [ned] [L1] [R1]

Få aldrig politi efter dig:
[cirkel] [højre] [cirkel] [højre] [venstre] [firkant] [trekant] [op]

Slå meget hårdt:
[op] [venstre] [x] [trekant] [R1] [cirkel] [cirkel] [cirkel] [L2]

Hitman i alle våben:
[ned] [firkant] [x] [venstre] [R1] [R2] [venstre] [ned] [ned] [L1] [L1] [L1]

Militær helikopter:
[cirkel] [x] [L1] [cirkel] [cirkel] [L1] [cirkel] [R1] [R2] [L2] [L1] [L1]

C.j. går nøgen rundt:
[firkant] [trekant] [cirkel] [R1] [R1] [R1] [L2] [L1] [cirkel] [x]

Mere Sex Appeal:
[Cirkel] [Trekant] [Trekant] [Op] [Cirkel] [R1] [L2] [Op] [Trekant] [L1] [L1] [L1]

[R1] [op] [venstre] [højre] [R2] [op] [højre] [firkant] [højre] [L2] [L1] [L1]

Smash n" boom:
[L1] [L2] [L2] [op] [ned] [ned] [op] [R1] [R2] [R2]

Langsommere gameplay:
[Trekant] [Op] [Højre] [Ned] [L2] [L1] [Firkant]

Der går ild i CJ:
[X] [X] [X] [cirkel] [R1] [L2] [R2] [Firkant] [Firkant]

Din bil bliver udølig:
[L1] [L2] [L2] [OP] [NED] [NED] [OP] [R1] [R2] [R2]

Fremkald en Rustvogn:
[Ned] [R2] [ned] [R1] [L2] [venstre] [R1] [L1] [venstre] [højre]

Fremkald S.W.A.T
[cirkel] [cirkel] [X] [X] [R1] [L2] [Højre] [Højre] [venstre] [op] [Firkant]

Jet fly med misiler:
[trekant] [trekant] [firkant] [cirkel] [x] [L1] [L1] [ned] [op]

Monster Truck
[højre] [op] [R1] [R1] [R1] [ned] [trekant] [trekant] [x] [cirkel] [L1] [L1]

Fjern politiet:
[R1] [R1] [cirkel] [R2] [OP] [NED] [OP] [NED] [OP] [NED] [OP] [NED]

Alle våben 1 (Bat, Pistol, Shotgun, Mini SMG, AK 47, Rocket Launcher, Molotov Cocktail, Spray Can, Brass Knuckles)
[R1] [R2] [L1] [R2] [Venstre] [Ned] [højre] [Op] [Venstre] [Ned] [højre] [Op]

Alle våben 2 (Knife, Pistol, Sawn-off Shotgun, Tec 9, Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower, Grenades, Fire Extinguisher)
[R1] [R2] [L1] [R2] [Venstre] [Ned] [højre] [Op] [Venstre] [Ned] [Ned] [Venstre]

Alle våben 3 (Chainsaw, Silenced Pistol, Combat Shotgun, M4, Bazooka, Plastic Explosive)
[R1] [R2] [L1] [R2] [Venstre] [Ned] [højre] [Op] [Venstre] [Ned] [Ned] [Ned]

Jet fly:
[trekant] [trekant] [firkant] [cirkel] [x] [L1] [L2] [Ned] [Ned]

$250,000, fuldt helbred og armor:
[r1] [r2] [l1] [x] [venstre] [ned] [højre] [op] [venstre] [ned] [højre] [op]

Laver "Wanted Level":
[R1] [R1] [Cirkel] [R2] [Op] [Ned] [Op] [Ned] [Op] [Ned]

Højere "Wanted Level":
[R1] [R1] [Cirkel] [R1] [Op] [Ned] [Op] [Ned] [Op] [Ned]

Mere vold:
[Firkant] [L1] [Cirkel] [Ned] [L1] [R1] [Trekant] [højre] [L1] [X]

Kvinderne elsker CJ:
[Cirkel] [X] [L1] [L1] [R2] [X] [X] [Cirkel] [Cirkel]

Skift til andre personer:
[højre] [højre] [Venstre] [Op] [L1] [L2] [Venstre] [Op] [Ned] [højre] [Højre]

Unlock Romero:
[Ned] [R2] [Ned] [R1] [L2] [Venstre] [R1] [L1] [Venstre] [Højre]

Unlock Trashmaster:
[Cirkel] [R1] [Cirkel] [R1] [Venstre] [Venstre] [R1] [L1] [Cirkel] [Højre]

Mere respekt:
[R1] [R2] [L1] [X] [Venstre] [højre] [Ned] [Op]

Fodgængere angriber (kan ikke tages af igen):
[Ned] [Op] [Op] [Op] [X] [R2] [R1] [L2] [L2]

Fodgængere gør oprør (kan ikke tages af igen):
[Ned] [Venstre] [Op] [Venstre] [X] [R2] [R1] [L2] [L1]

Fodgængere har våben:
[R2] [R1] [X] [Trekant] [X] [Trekant] [Op] [Ned]

Biler på vandet:
[højre] [R2] [Cirkel] [R1] [L2] [Firkant] [R1] [R2]

Ødelæg bilerne:
[R2] [L2] [R1] [L1] [L2] [R2] [Firkant] [Trekant] [Cirkel] [Trekant] [L2] [L1]

[op] [ned] [L1] [L1] [L2] [L2] [L1] [L2] [R1] [R2]

[R2] [X] [L1] [L1] [L2] [L2] [L2] [Firkant]

[R2] [X] [L1] [L1] [L2] [L2] [L2] [Cirkel]

Fremkald en Rhino tank:
[Cirkel] [Cirkel] [L1] [Cirkel] [Cirkel] [Cirkel] [L1] [L2] [R1] [Trekant] [Cirkel] [Trekant]

Fremkald en "Hotring Racer #101":
[R1] [Cirkel] [R2] [højre] [L1] [L2] [X] [X] [Firkant] [R1]

Fremkald en Hotring Racer:
[R2] [L1] [Cirkel] [højre] [Op] [Cirkel] [R2]

Fremkald en limosine:
[R2] [Op] [L2] [Venstre] [Venstre] [R1] [L1] [Cirkel] [Højre]

Langsommere gameplay:
[Trekant] [Op] [højre] [Ned] [L2] [L1] [Firkant]

Tiden går hurtigere:
[Cirkel] [Cirkel] [L1] [Firkant] [L1] [Firkant] [Firkant] [Firkant] [L1] [Trekant] [Cirkel] [Trekant]

[R2] [X] [L1] [L1] [L2] [L2] [L2] [X]

Aggressiv trafik:
[R2] [Cirkel] [R1] [L2] [Venstre] [R1] [L1] [R2] [L2]

Fremkald en Rancher 4x4:
[Op] [højre] [højre] [L1] [højre] [Op] [Firkant] [L2]

Fremkald en "Bloodring Banger":
[Ned] [R1] [Cirkel] [L2] [L2] [X] [R1] [L1] [Venstre] [Venstre]

Fremkald en golfvogn:
[Cirkel] [L1] [Op] [R1] [L2] [X] [R1] [L1] [Cirkel] [X]

Fremkald en BMX cykel:
[op] [ned] [R1] [R2] [L1] [L2] [op] [ned]

Perfekt styring:
[Trekant] [R1] [R1] [Venstre] [R1] [L1] [R2] [L1]

Hurtigere biler:
[højre] [R1] [Op] [L2] [L2] [Venstre] [R1] [L1] [R1] [R1]

Biler bliver pink:
[Cirkel] [L1] [Ned] [L2] [Venstre] [X] [R1] [L1] [højre] [Cirkel]

Biler bliver sorte
[Cirkel] [L2] [Op] [R1] [Venstre] [X] [R1] [L1] [Venstre] [Cirkel]

Begå selvmord:
[højre] [L2] [Ned] [R1] [Venstre] [Venstre] [R1] [L1] [L2] [L1]

Fuld muskler:
[trekant] [up] [up] [venstre] [højre] [firkant] [cirkel] [venstre]

Bunny jump på BMX:
[Trekant] [firkant] [cirkel] [cirkel] [firkant] [cirkel] [cirkel] [L1] [L2] [L2] [R1] [R2]

Spawn Jetpack:
[L1] [L2] [R1] [R2] [UP] [DOWN] [LEFT] [RIGHT] [L1] [L2] [R1] [R2] [UP] [DOWN] [LEFT] [RIGHT]

Flyvende både:
[R2] [Cirkel] [Op] [L1] [højre] [R1] [højre] [Up] [Firkant] [Trekant]